Towns, waterfalls, history and streams in the heart of Tuscany: our editions in a territory waiting to be discovered, the Lunigiana and now also in English version

Over the years, our Marsupio Guides have toured the entire province of Piacenza far and wide (even if there is still much to discover and tell!): from Val Tidone to Val d’Arda, passing through Val Trebbia and Val Nure, without forgetting those that are considered minor valleys but which offer trekking and wonderful landscapes.

Since last year, however, thanks to the collaboration with Lunigiana World, after the overruns in Lombardy and in particular in Oltrepo Pavese, and in Liguria with “La via del sale Piacentina”, the guides arrive in Tuscany and in particular in a stupendous area, that of Lunigiana. The news, however, is that now there is also an English version!

A glimpse of Tuscany

As mentioned, it was the collaboration with an important reality in the area, Lunigiana World, that gave us the opportunity to take our guides to territories that we did not yet know and which consequently fascinated us even more. A territory that we have gradually discovered thanks to the work carried out by our Tuscan members in recent years and which has brought to light and made available to all, some places that have something magical and to make these places even more usable we decided to translate our “Guide to the wonders of Lunigiana” giving life to “Guide To The Wonders Of Lunigiana”.

Guide to the wonders of lunigiana - English version
Guide to the wonders of Lunigiana

A new step for us which, however, was necessary because what we discovered was an incredible territory, made up of villages, woods, stories and even flavors that only research and mapping work was able to bring to light. The result on paper was our “Guide to the wonders of Lunigiana” which tries, in the classic pocket format, to showcase a long series of paths that lead to fairy-tale places, among streams, lumps, waterfalls that immerse us completely in an almost wild nature.

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